Monday, June 23, 2008

Our precious baby

This is an update for all of you who may not have heard yet about what's going on in our lives and the baby we're having a couple short months...

I write this mostly to ask for prayer for our baby, and for wisdom for us...

We found out about 2 months ago that our baby has something goofy going on in his development. Mainly, his stomach is growing on the wrong side of his body... it should be on the left side under his heart, and it's on the right side. In and of itself, it doesn't mean much, but there could be implications for other problems because of this... it's quite rare, and doctors say we just won't know until he's born. He is growing well, seems to be strong, but the doctors are watching him more closely, which means we are driving anywhere from 100 to 250 miles twice a week for testing and monitoring - not quite what we expected to spend our summer doing, but well worth it to make sure this little guy gets the best care he can!!!

We won't be able to have the baby where Charissa was born, since the doctors want us to be at a place affiliated with a good Children's Hospital. We're still working on specifically where and need great wisdom from the Lord on that.

We know the Lord's hand is on this baby, and His promises hold true in every situation: "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,I know that full well. Ps 139."

We are convinced this is no mistake or accident - God's hand has been on his development from before we knew of his presence. Thanks for all your prayers - we really feel them right now!


Jen said...

Sara and Brad, my prayers will be with you. My daughter was diagnosed with an eye ailment at 5 weeks and God has glorified Himself in her life, not by healing her (though we still hope for that obviously) but by allowing us to testify to His faithfulness in this situation. May the Lord shower His blessings upon you all and glorify Himself through your baby's life, no matter what is going on. HUGS!
Jen (Roberts) B.

pamela prince said...

AAAhhhh! I have finally found your blog address.. if I had only visited my facebook sooner. Well, I will love keeping up with you via this. Your daughter is beautiful and I miss you guys. I will be praying for your little one. It's so wonderful to think about you having another. Much love to you and Brad